And be part of this multi award-winning organisation
We’re hiring!
We seek a Sales Executive to help get more local businesses on board to grow our zero-emission delivery service.
12h per week for 3 months initially, £12.50 an hour. Details here.
Join our fabulous team of volunteer school Bike Train marshals. Full training provided.
The shifts are short and great fun – on days to suit you. Interested? Contact us.
Become a member of EcoCarriers BSE. We’re on a mission to get Bury St Edmunds cycling more and driving less. If you share our aims and want to support us in trying to reduce CO2 emissions, it’s just £5 to join for a year.
As a Community Benefit Society, members get a say in the running of the organisation (and a good feeling for doing something positive about the climate crisis).
To become a member of EcoCarriers BSE, pay £5 (plus a donation if you wish) using this link to our Sumup account. Or come and find us on our market stall every Saturday before 2pm by Moyses Hall. We might even sing to you…